Faraz Berjis - Functional Nutrition and Integrative Health Practitioner

Embrace digestive wellness with Faraz Berjis, a trusted name in digestive and integrative health. Benefit from his compassionate care and solid experience in managing gut health and nutrition for optimal well-being.For twenty years I had a thriving practice as a board certified gastroenterologist. During this time, I observed that the medical system was often complex, overwhelming, and difficult to navigate for patients – and I was experiencing burnout from the relentless demands of this insurance-driven system.Many of my patients with chronic conditions or complicated health histories often felt frustrated, anxious, or stuck – and would often give up their hope for regaining health.After my own family started experiencing seemingly unexplainable digestive and immune system issues, I began to explore functional medicine. I was drawn to the philosophy of understanding the root cause of disease – rather than merely treating the symptoms – and soon after, I saw a transformation in my own health and the health of my family as we incorporated what I was discovering.

Faraz Berjis

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